The Orthodontic and Pediatric Dental Center, Kokkinos Smile Clinic was founded in 1995 from the Orthodontist Dr. Petros Kokkinos and from the Pediatric Dentist Dr. Niki Kokkinou. It was the first and only dental practice that specialized and continues to specialize exclusively in two and only terms: Orthodontic treatment for kids, teenagers and adults, and Dentistry for kids, teenagers and children with special needs. In due course, our clinic grew and gained associate Doctors and a well-trained team.
ORTHODONTIC SERVICES INCLUDE: Metallic Brackets - Clear Brackets - Lingual Brackets - Invisalign - Skeletal issues resolved with the unique MEAW treatment - Orthognathic Orthodontics - Adult and Childrens Orthodontics.
PAEDIATRIC DENTAL SERVICES INCLUDE: First visits - No dental phobias - Personalised preventative programs - Minimally invasive dentistry - Children with special needs - Specialised equipment.
Our team offers you a unique service that you will not usually find. Most of our patients start with us from the age of one and continue with us until they reach adulthood. When they leave our office they are free of any dental or orthodontic problems and most importantly, they have eliminated dental phobia and have already acquired the right dental values.
The biggest advantage our patients have is the fact that they are continuously monitored by all the departments throughout the years. This enables us to intervene for any dental or orthodontic problems at optimum time, thus rendering the treatment more effective and less complicated. In many cases this advantage helps us to limit ourselves to prevention, which in turn eliminates the need for treatment
Address: 2nd floor, 91, Leoforos Grivas Digeni, 3101 Limassol, Cyprus
Tel: +357 25 582144 Fax: +357 25 582590 Email: reception@kokkinosmileclinic.com Web: www.kokkinosmileclinic.com